December 20, 2023
A Sensible Option When you think of your home improvement wishlist, you’re likely thinking of dazzling renovations like a new kitchen or bathroom, but there are far more practical projects to put on your list this holiday season. While less glamorous than a lot of other projects, there’s one particular system that doesn’t get the dues it deserves: your gutters . Gutters play the crucial role of protecting the foundation of your home from water damage, and we couldn’t overstate the importance of a dry foundation if we tried. So allow us a moment to dive into the ways in which water can damage your foundation and how gutters keep them safe. Water and Your Foundation Water, though innocuous in small amounts, can spell disaster to the construction on which the rest of your house rests. It infiltrates where it shouldn't, causing chaos in the form of flooded basements, leaky walls, mold infestations, and even foundation buckling. It's a daunting list of potential disasters, and gutters are there to keep water far away from where it can cause the most damage to what’s likely the largest investment you’ll make in your life.