Gutters Protect Your Foundation From Water Damage
We’re going to start this short and sweet: Yes. Yes, you absolutely do need gutters, and it is not negotiable, even if you think you’re doing just fine without them. With the short answer out of the way, let’s dig a little deeper and explain why yes, you do really need gutters.
One of the most destructive and expensive types of damage that can happen to your home is harm to the foundation. If foundation damage is severe enough, it could even potentially cause your home to be condemned by your local municipality or even collapse. That’s why it’s so important to take all of the necessary precautions to ensure that your foundation is safe and sound.
Perhaps the lowest effort and most effective way to keep your foundation safe is by having regularly cleaned and maintained gutters on your house. It might seem counterintuitive that something located on the very top of your house protects something that is largely underground, but hear us out.
Water Damage Can Cause Your Foundation to Fail
Gutters divert water from your roof and drain it a safe distance away. There are two main reasons why this process is so important. First, water will always flow through the easiest route, and if that route happens to lead into your foundation, you are running the risk of severe flooding in your basement or crawl space. Second, water that pools at your foundation will seep into the ground. During the winter months, this groundwater will freeze and expand, putting pressure on your foundation that will eventually cause it to buckle. If cracks or warpage occur in your foundation, you are looking at an astronomical amount of money in repairs.
Water damage is among the leading causes of foundation failure, so you must make sure that your home has fully functioning gutters at all times.
Prevent Soil Erosion
This is related to the previous point, but it is serious enough to warrant its own section. As rain falls and water moves through your property, it will carry soil along with it. Without well-maintained gutters, fallen rainwater will move along your home’s foundation, stripping it of the earth that supports it. If this issue goes unaddressed for long enough, soil erosion will cause your entire foundation to shift under the weight of your house. In the worst case scenario, this will instigate a complete collapse of your house. Even in cases of mild foundation settling, catastrophic damage can be done to not only your foundation, but also your walls and electrical systems.
What’s more is that
soil erosion will eventually destroy your landscaping. Though not as severe as foundation damage, harm done to your landscaping is money down the drain, both in terms of your initial investment and in your overall property value.
Once again, gutters are essential to maintaining the structural integrity of your home and are absolutely necessary.
Gutters Prevent Roof Damage
If you’ve ever had to replace a roof, you already know just how expensive it can be. Large scale roofing repairs are disruptive to your life both financially and in terms of time lost. One of the most common forms of
roof damage is caused by water pooling on your roof. Without a proper gutter system, water could accumulate on your roof, seeping in through the shingles causing wood rot, black mold, and opening the doors to termite infestations.
Many Lenders Require Them
If you are on the market to buy a house, there’s a good chance that your lender will request an inspection of the property. Home inspections are great for prospective buyers because they alert home buyers of potential issues with the property, and many lenders will want an inspection in order to mitigate their risk in the loan process.
Gutters are so important that many lenders will not sign off on a home loan unless they are present and in good working order.
If you ever find yourself wondering if gutters are even necessary, just remember that they provide an invaluable function to your home. If it seems like it’s a hassle, don’t hesitate to give us a call and let us take care of your gutters.